Monday, February 22, 2010

Back to Therapy

Atticus returned to Occupational Therapy today. We got an 8am slot which is much more convenient, now that I have been approved for intermitten FMLA. His therapist seems surprised that he scored so low on motor skills, but he has given us some great things to work on for the sensory issues Atticus has. I have shared those with his teacher. Larry and I just have to give him a good sensory diet. That means he has to cary heavy back packs, jump on trampolines and move large objects. We also have to develop a break spot for Atticus. Right now there is a tent in my room that Larry made for the kids which can serve the purpose. I feel much better after talking with the therapist, but we still need to get into a behavioralist. So, that is the next hurdle.

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